All about…Tennis Elbow

All about…Tennis Elbow

What is Tennis Elbow? 1-3% of the population will suffer with tennis elbow each year [1][2][3] and most people will have heard of tennis elbow or heard of somebody else suffering with it. But what is it? The clinical term for the condition is lateral epicondylitis,...
Coronavirus Clinic Closure

Coronavirus Clinic Closure

Due to the coronavirus pandemic I have made the decision to close the clinic for the next two weeks in adherence to the government’s social distancing guidelines. This period may have to be extended according to how the pandemic develops so I shall keep you...
Clinic Re-Opening

Clinic Re-Opening

Hello everybody, I hope you’re all keeping well as we all get through these tough times. It’s been eight weeks now since I closed the clinic but I have decided to gradually re-open the clinic. This is after careful deliberation as well as guidance from the...
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