Are You Sitting Comfortably?

Are You Sitting Comfortably?

  A lot of desk-workers are familiar with an achy neck, sore shoulders, irritated eyes, headaches, wrist and elbow pains. However, a sedentary job does not only cause musculoskeletal aches and pains, it can also result in more serious health problems including...
New Year’s Resolutions – How is Yours Going?

New Year’s Resolutions – How is Yours Going?

It’s January again already! The month that feels like it lasts twice as long as every other month but acts as a fresh start with many of us setting out resolutions. We’re two weeks into 2023 now, so how are your resolutions going?   My resolution is to be more...
Headaches: Stop them Stopping You

Headaches: Stop them Stopping You

Headaches are, unfortunately, something we have probably all had in common at some point in our lives. I’ve treated a lot of headaches in the clinic and, unsurprisingly, I’m yet to meet a patient who particularly likes having one. How do they work though? Should you...
What’s The Difference Between An Osteopath and a Chiropractor?

What’s The Difference Between An Osteopath and a Chiropractor?

What is the difference between an osteopath and a chiropractor? This is one of the most common questions from new patients and it’s never a straightforward one to answer…for me, anyway. I’m an osteopath so it’s difficult to not give an answer that is biased in favour...
What’s the Crack?

What’s the Crack?

What’s the crack? This is a common question from patients when we use manipulation techniques called High Velocity Thrusts (HVT). A lot of people assume it is the sound of bones colliding together but in reality, the cause is less brutal and the sound is simply from...
What happens during a typical appointment?

What happens during a typical appointment?

You’ve made the decision to seek treatment for the aches, pains, stiffness and discomfort you’ve been suffering with and you’re booked in for an appointment…but what happens when you get here? Here you’re guided through a typical...
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