Sports Massage Essex
Sports massage is a type of massage to soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia etc.) to help athletes improve their performance, reduce risk of injury and help them heal from injuries. However, sports massage is NOT only limited to athletes. It is appropriate for anyone who is in needs of soft tissue work, irrespective of age, gender or level of fitness.
The benefits of sports massage include:
Reduce pain/ muscle soreness
Decrease muscle tension
Increase range of movement at a joint
Enhance performance
Improve blood circulation
Encourage recovery
The remedial effects of sports massage can be beneficial in a variety of circumstances. For example, it can be used in a post-surgical or post-injury situations to aid recovery. It also acts as an accompaniment to osteopathy, physiotherapy or chiropractic in rehabilitative therapy. There are also health benefits for the individual within their work environment, such as promoting improved posture when sitting at a desk for long periods of time.
Come and visit us
Expert osteopathy treatment in Essex
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